About Me…..

INTJ, moderately expressed introvert, I live to be beautiful, make beautiful friends and bring people to a beautiful place!!! I am a great friend and I trust excellence to flow through me as a life principle. I love being me 🙂

I love to sing my little heart out and I reckon if the birds don’t have to be told to do it and the trees don’t have to be told to wave their branches then neither should I and if you’re around here long enough you’ll hear me singing my little heart out. But me, my vocal chords and my inner voice-well let’s just say that’s a whole blog that will be making an appearance sometime towards the end of this year.

I am a battle-axed wielding Senior Project Manager by day and I guess a loving friend and tea/ cake provider by night. I hate over-seriousness, I never want to be poor, I hate poor-minded mentality and I hate the mentality that says being poor is having no money!!!

I believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit (a.k.a. The Trinity) and I’m unashamed in my opinion that, that is the reason I am found here in my life with all my success having more than any other 28-year-old could ever dream of and I wish everyone knew the fullness of this freedom that I know.

I have the greatest family on earth, the greatest friends on earth and the greatest life on earth. I would have to look hard to find anyone truly as happy as I am.

I’m a wonder in the kitchen and anyone who has sampled my food would tell you that. I love to cook everything from Caribbean and Nigerian to French and Italian cuisine and I have plans to fatten all my friends with my succulent food like ample Christmas turkeys!!! And the baking??? Well, most of you know!

I used to work in wine management for a 5* global Hotel chain and wines, vintages, grapes, old traditional wine making methods and locations fascinate me. Chateauneuf du Pape for red and Chablis for white=eternal love from me. I’m also a big fan of the above but for Champagne; my favourite being Tattinger or a nice Veuve Cliquot. Big fan of Cidre du Normandie et Calvados. I also love cocktails and mixology! When it comes to alcohol, I revere and respect it and believe it should be treated with as much love as it gave the barrel it soaked in for decades – I’m very french but throw in some Brie and 90% Belgian truffles and then leave; I’ll have a great night by myself!!! Lol!!!

I love my family and they mean the world to me. My parents have been married for 40 years and I’m proud of that. They have brought me up well and have taught me the ways of Love. I put large emphasis on family and I never intend to compromise family all the years of my life whilst leading a great life with in how I go about things and believe more people should pursue proper family values-it might fix some of our society’s wayward moral values!!!

I believe in being fabulous and this is my journey into it. Join me, let’s inspire one another!

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Ruth
    Jun 27, 2012 @ 14:55:05

    It is such a priviledge to be introduced to you through this channel. I am a native french speaker but can read and understant english. This to say forgive me in advance for mistakes and please correct me, if you can. I am very impressed by your style. Girl u can write !!! I thank God for your life and look forward to reading more of your posts. Remain blessed and keep on making the difference. Love.


  2. iamfabulousness
    Jun 27, 2012 @ 15:13:00

    Merci Ruth 🙂 C’est un vrai honneur de lire tes mots. C’est pour les gens comme toi, pour la vérité et pour que l’amour de Dieu rattrape tous ce qui ont perdu le chemin que j’écris car je faisais parti de cette groupe il n y a pas trop longtemps. Mais l’amour du tout puissant a gagner sur tout et je prie que les autres auront la même expérience que j’ai eu, a travers mes mots que je prie les mèneront devant l’eternel ! Que Dieu te bénit.



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